Even if your refrigerator is cold enough, the temperature of the various parts of the refrigerator will still vary depending on how far they are from the refrigeration unit, so storing food according to local conditions is the key.

Fundamentals of cryopreservation
Under freezing conditions, microorganisms cannot grow and reproduce. Even for some pathogenic microorganisms, the number of viable bacteria can be reduced after long-term cryopreservation. However, this does not mean that the microorganisms originally carried in the food raw materials will completely die in the freezer, they just no longer reproduce vigorously and will not reach the level of food spoilage.
Because microorganisms do not multiply in the freezer, many foods that are about to expire in the refrigerator can be thrown into the freezer if they cannot be eaten temporarily, before the microorganisms slowly multiply to cause spoilage. For example, there is a box of water tofu in the refrigerator, and its packaging indicates that it can only be refrigerated for 7 days. However, what should I do if I suddenly go to another place for a meeting, and the tofu will expire the day after tomorrow?
The easiest way is to put it directly in the freezer. To eat frozen tofu when you come back, just thaw it, cut it into pieces and cook it. In addition to soy products, cooked meat, cooked fish, etc. can also be frozen if they cannot be eaten within a few days. Although the taste may be slightly worse after thawing, at least things will not go to waste.